Information Packet – Introduction

I am J. Mike Howington. To avoid confusion with all the other “Mikes” in our world, my friends and associates call me either “JMike” or “Dr. Mike” (Ph.D.). I’m coming into your life as a Web Researcher and/or Web writer.

Thank you for your consideration and interest in the services and products I will bring to your business. You have come to the right place. The services and products I provide can be seen by clicking on the menu item “Services and Products” or simply clicking here.

I retired after 35+ years as a Computer Applications Architect using my skills listed on The blue logo with square surrounding the flow chart symbol for computer tape and the flow chart symbol for hard disk storage ( the greatest new rage in 1978) is the logo I designed when I went into self employment in 1978. More information about my life an be found by clicking the menu item [About JMike Howington] or clicking here.

Now my profession centers around web resources, web copy, freelance marketing content services, website or blogging content, articles, newsletters, emails, technical documentation, user’s guides, and product descriptions. I can also help with your website design, website construction, website SEO (search engine optimization), website updates, and website modifications. This is documented on my website at I can work independently, directly with your marketing staff, and/or with your developing or technical staff. Your need for diverse communications will be less troublesome because I can and have worked with people from a wide range of different social and ethnic backgrounds. Your concerns are relieved because I can work alongside people of differing passions, beliefs, temperaments, demeanor, race, sex, age, and politics. I have frequently been the liaison, and contact person, for foreign contractors.

To move forward with your profitable association with me, please see me an email addressed to

, or

call me at  (214) 293-6084

, or

fill in the form below to enter comments, questions, and messages.

Again, thank you for your time and consideration.
