This is a sample of JMike’s writing – no part of this is endorsed by, or related to Outdoor Gear Lovers. The links in this document lead to JMike’s home page and are not to be used to refer to or contact Outdoor Gear Lovers.

Now is the time for outdoor activities and traveling. But preparing for the adventure can be tedious and boring. Not at Outdoor Gear Lovers’ online store. Shopping at Outdoor Gear Lovers is like going on your private outdoor adventure before you even pack for it.
At Outdoor Gear Lovers you experience the thrill and excitement of your outdoor adventure while you shop. You get to enjoy the outdoor adventure and see your needed gear in an outdoor scenes. We love the outdoor adventure, but more importantly we love to serve the outdoor enthusiast.
Enjoy Some of Nature’s Scenery
Online shopping with us is like going on your private outdoor adventure. You’re able to experience the beauty and awe of the outdoors while you shop in the air conditioning comfort of your own home.
At Outdoor Gear Lovers, the outdoor adventure is right at your fingertips. We have the gear you need.
All you need to enjoy the outdoor experience is to shop where it can be found. So, go to the Outdoor Gear Lovers site to experience outdoor activities and traveling. Before you head out on your next outdoor adventure, camping excursion or road trip, visit us.
Our web store features outdoor and camping scenery while offering the gear and supplies you need. The gear includes:
- tents,
- sleeping bags and cots,
- bags and packs,
- chairs,
- coolers,
- grills,
- tables,
- fire pits,
- heaters,
- wagons,
- carts,
- flashlights,
- lanterns,
- emergency and medical supplies,
- tools,
- electrical solutions,
- insect control devises,
- and much more.
Outdoor Gear Lovers Makes Your Outdoor Life Easier

Outdoor Gear Lovers is for those that enjoy the outdoors – hiking, fishing, kayaking, camping, and many other activities. Even if your idea of outdoor fun is to relax and watch the grass grow, or the sparks from the fire, the Outdoor Gear Lovers store has everything you need. Before you head out on your next camping excursion or road trip see our products designed to make your life easier without “breaking the bank.”
We are here to ensure your outdoor adventure includes everything you need to have the greatest time. And every one at the Outdoor Gear Lovers store is dedicated to ensure your shopping experience is also a pleasure.
We even provide a live professional guide to help, or assist, or advice/suggest, even answer questions. During your outdoor shopping adventure – just click on the live chatbox in the lower right corner. We provide multiple options for most of our highest quality goods, so your guide will be happy to point you in the direction of the specific product, model, or size that most perfectly meets your needs.
The Outdoor Gear Lovers online store also offers the opportunity to sign up for our newsletters. In our monthly newsletter you will find discounts and notifications of new products and sales events.
So, if you like the outdoor adventure, or just need something for next trip, just click here to be whisked off to the outdoor adventure that is our online store. When you shop the Outdoor Gear Lovers store you end up with double the outdoor adventure. We look forward to serving you.