To pray for God’s kingdom to come (Matthew 6:10) requires all the courage you can muster. The prayer concerns God’s complete and utter sovereignty.
Jesus Told Us to Pray For God’s Kingdom to Come
We are to pray for God’s kingdom, God’s will, to not only come into our lives and take root, but through us spread throughout the earth. We don’t pray to become God’s warrior and force God’s will onto all the people of the earth.
How Is God’s Kingdom To Come?
God’s kingdom makes its way into the world as individuals give their hearts and lives to Christ. In that sense, God’s kingdom has arrived. We believers have been brought into that kingdom.
Praying that the kingdom will come is praying that His kingdom will grow as we pursue our witness to Jesus. Our part of that mission is to witness, live, and model Christ in our lives.
Who Is to Bring God’s Will to All the World?
We have been given the Great Commission to evangelize a worldly cultural to all nations (Matthew 28:19). We are to pray for the kingdom to take hold on the planet, governments and institutions, judicial systems and media. We pray for God for God’s will to spread through our witness.
But, God will accomplish the coming of His Kingdom. We are not directed to aggressively push our faith onto any people, government, judicial system or media.
The Daily Bread email message sent on 6/22/2022 says,

Matthew 6:10 – Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. (NASB)
Jesus told us when we pray, we are to pray for God’s kingdom, God’s will, to not only come into our lives and take root, but through us to spread throughout the earth.
God’s kingdom makes its way into the world as individuals give their hearts and lives to Christ. We pray that His kingdom will grow as we pursue our witness to Jesus. And with the great commission comes a worldly cultural commission (Matthew 28:19). We pray for the kingdom to take hold on the planet, governments and institutions, judicial systems, and media.
We pray for God for God’s will to spread through our witness. God will accomplish this. We are not
directed to aggressively push our faith onto any people, government, judicial system, or media.
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