Deuteronomy Chapter 31 records, on Moses’ 120th birthday (Deuteronomy 31:2), Moses’ last counsel to Israel telling them that his time of leading them was coming to an end and Joshua would succeed him and lead them into the Promised Land.
The main message of Deuteronomy 31 is Moses’ encouragement to Israel to be strong and courageous because God will accompany them and will not fail them (verses 1-6). That same encouragement should also alleviate our fears.
Deuteronomy 31:6 – Israel Should Not Fear Moses’ Passing OnMoses was a great man; one of the greatest to ever walk this earth. But Moses was not irreplaceable. Since God was with them, Israel was in good hands, with or without Moses.
It was now time for the nation to take courage in the LORD and not fear nor be dismayed. Moses passes from the scene, but God has not abandoned Israel.
The lesson from Deuteronomy 31:6 addresses fear during difficult situations, it calls us to a different response: to trust in God’s presence and unfailing promises and to find our courage and strength in Him.
As we face difficult situations or decisions, let us remember that God goes with us.
In Conclusion, consider the Daily Bread email message sent on 3/25/2009 and 5/13/2024 which says
Deuteronomy 31:6 – Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. (NASB)
I read of a woman claiming this passage to indicate that God will give her the courage to face a great fear. This was a promise from God to the people of Israel that Moses passed on just before Joshua succeeded him. This was NOT a promise to you that God will defeat all your enemies.
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