J Mike Howington

Retired from 30+ years as computer system consultant/computer applications architect.

Do You Need Encouragement While Repenting?

Google produces a list of Scripture when you ask, “Which 10 encouraging bible verses do I need to read each day?” The second passage on that list is Lamentations 3:22, 23. Today’s Daily Bread email message very briefly explains that scripture that focuses on encouragement while repenting. Lamentations 3 22, 23: God’s Tender Compassions Are […]

Do You Need Encouragement While Repenting? Read More »

You Came From Adam, Will You Go Through Jesus?

Our current, corrupt bodies, which came into being from Adam, are like seeds that are sown to bring life to the plant. These forms are temporary, dishonorable, and weak. We believers in Jesus Christ will go through eternity with resurrected bodies that will not be reanimated corpses or some lesser version of our pre-death frame.

You Came From Adam, Will You Go Through Jesus? Read More »