Peace doesn’t always come easy.
Our daily lives come with relentless attacks against our peace. Sometimes it starts with difficult news about the health of a loved one. Sometimes it starts with your accidental mistaken action. Sometimes it seems that there are daily occurrences of unexpected events, from financial strain to outbursts from frustrated loved ones or friends or simply feeling overwhelmed by the demands of everyday life. Sometimes, it’s not major life crises that cripple you but daily woes that make you feel like you can’t catch your breath.
These moments can cause even the most devout Christian to struggle with finding peace.
The attacks on your peace of mind may bring restless nights. You might toss and turn over a situation, considering every possible scenario and how you can best fix “it.” You may doubt how you can go on beyond a looming tragedy. You may wonder when God will send relief.
The Bible Implores Us to Have PeaceThe Bible is full of verses that implore us to have peace, no matter the circumstance.
In John 16, after sharing of His coming death, Jesus tells His followers to have peace because He has overcome the world. In his letter to the church of Phillipi, Paul is imprisoned yet still implores the church to pray when they feel anxious. The Lord also spoke to Joshua and reminded him not to be afraid but to know that God is with him.
Isaiah reminds us that God will send relief:
This verse is a promise that those who keep their mind on the Lord will walk in peace.
Peace is not an outward action. Peace is not just feeling calm in turbulent times. Peace is what happens when we choose to rest in God and not fear.
Don’t succumb to letting fear be your default setting instead of peace. Believe that the Lord wants to encourage us to trust Him again and again. Trust Him when the little nuances of life make us flustered and when the major tragedies strike.
When life can feel overwhelming and you find yourself anxious:
- In prayer, thank God for the promise of peace. Ask for His help in guiding your thoughts to line with His many promises for you.
- Search God’s Word and receive each word He has for you.
- Remember you are loved and He is with you.
- Trust in the Lord and every trial will work out for your good and His glory.
- Ask for His help to avoid questioning His goodness when tough times come and to keep your mind focused on Him.
- Pray for the peace that surpasses all understanding to cover you heart and guide your choices.
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NASB Comfort Print Thinline Bible, Red Letter Edition–bonded leather, burgundy (click here)
By Zondervan
The beloved 1995 Edition of the New American Standard Bible is now easier to read with Zondervan’s exclusive NASB Comfort Print® typeface. This edition of the NASB Thinline Bibles is available in a variety of sophisticated designs in a portable, easy-to-read format.
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In Conclusion, consider the Daily Bread email message sent on 6/7/2024 which says

John 14;27 – Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful..”(NASB)
When life can feel overwhelming and you find yourself anxious, I pray as St. Paul did:To receive the Daily Bread email messages, free on Mon., Wed., and Fri., in your email inbox, just fill in the form below or send an email, and ask to be added, to
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