Daily Bread

Should You Fear Difficult Situations or Decisions?

Deuteronomy Chapter 31 records, on Moses’ 120th birthday (Deuteronomy 31:2), Moses’ last counsel to Israel telling them that his time of leading them was coming to an end and Joshua would succeed him and lead them into the Promised Land. The main message of Deuteronomy 31 is Moses’ encouragement to Israel to be strong and

Should You Fear Difficult Situations or Decisions? Read More »

 Can You Find True Satisfaction and Fulfillment Without God?

Isaiah 55:1-3 presents a profound invitation and promise from the Lord, urging all who are thirsty to come and receive freely the waters of life. It emphasizes that true satisfaction and fulfillment can only be found in God. During the time of Isaiah 55’s writing, God is speaking to a discouraged people in captivity. Their

 Can You Find True Satisfaction and Fulfillment Without God? Read More »